Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Gratitude Challenge: Day Two

Today I went to the United States Post Office, South Lake Tahoe Branch (one of two).  As I was standing in the three minute lines, I realized I'm grateful for the USPS.  People love to make fun of the post office, but I discovered after a little research that the good old US post office is ranked #1 in the world.  It's economical and accounts for 40% of the mail sent in the entire world.  (#2 Postal service?  Japan)

I bought bird stamps.  These are terrific; they are colorful and educational.
I realized I'm grateful  Lake Tahoe area has different song birds than what I'm used to.  No cardinals, blue jays or mocking jays here, no siree.  The most common bird here is the Stellar Jay.  Really pretty, but NOISY.  
Another bird I've also seen is a Mountain Chickadee, and a Red Tailed Hawk
Finally, today I'm grateful this house has a hot tub.  I'm having lots of pain due to using an elliptical for cardio followed by weight lifting.  Maybe I can possibly hike without dying.  That hot water helps me not to limp.  I would show you a picture, but I hot tub in the nude, and nobody wants to see a lumpy 64 year old body.  SWAK!  (Who isn't grateful for a kiss?)  

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