Monday, October 22, 2018


Tune in; turn on; and don't drop out - instead VOTE.  All of us of a 'certain age' remember the 60's counterculture mantra which suggested:  get politically active; don't be afraid to experiment with those alluring mind altering substances; and for pete's sake, don't just accept you have to do the same old same old represented by your parents' humdrum, hypocritical lives.

Getting politically active meant protests to the political boomers of the '60's and '70's.  Today, the radical move is to VOTE your convictions, and to convince others around you to VOTE.  If you don't like or if you do like your city/state/nation's political stance, well get out there and either endorse it or insist that it change by using your vote.

One of the most dangerous things happening in this country is overt voter suppression.  Never forget 'the poll tax', the 'literacy test' and the other Jim Crow statutes which kept Southern African Americans from voting for almost 100 years.  It makes perfect sense for power mongers afraid of losing that power to suppress the vote either through making it impossible to vote (long lines, few machines, unreasonable documentation), or by using gerrymandering (drawing lines of a Congressional District in such a way to insure the outcome of the vote). 

Voters can topple the most free spending, string pulling, behind the scenes wealthy individual or 'Political Action Committee' pushing an agenda which benefits a very narrow stripe of the electorate.  PAC's and the uber wealthy often think their opinion counts the most because they have money.  So not true.  One voice can change the world.  You don't think so?  The best ideas, the best political movements, the best innovations always start with one voice, and that voice is usually not steeped in wealth.  That's what your vote is:


If you think this country is headed in a direction you don't like or one you do, I'm not willing to have a discussion with you about your views until you pass MY litmus test: