Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wedding Hair!

Here's a new wedding wrinkle:  Wedding Hair Preparation.  Enter Tammie Garza, owner of Divine Weddings in Austin who Sarah and I met this past week.  The idea is to hire a professional to come to the bride (and bridesmaids) on the day of the wedding to 'do' their hair.  I was fascinated by a person who has made wedding day hair her life's work.  Tammie has an interesting story:

She was a regulation hairdresser for sixteen years when she realized that in order to send her son to college, she needed to make more money.  We can all identify with that.  A financial planner friend started asking her what did she REALLY like about the hair business.  Her answer:  big hair, pageant hair, wedding hair, and the idea for starting her own business bloomed.  Initially, to jump start the new business,  she did a lot of free work.  This meant going to hair shows and wedding shows and 'doing' twenty to twenty-five heads in three or four hours.  She built up her name recognition as well as her speed, and her ability to do snap hair evaluation.  The first thing she did when Sarah sat down was to run her fingers through Sarah's hair.  She immediately realized that Sarah's hair was going to be tricky.

There's probably no more important hair day than a woman's wedding day.  It's not a day to accept bad hair.  In fact, having a bad hair day on your wedding day could cause an extreme meltdown that would put the worst bridezilla into the shade.  Having a wedding hairdresser reduces the possibility hair unhappiness.  As further insurance, the hairdresser does a trial run in which she works on the bride-to-be and, with the bride in consultation, actually creates the hairstyle that will be used the day of the wedding.

On the consultation day Sarah settled into the beauty chair with her laptop fired up, and pictures of her desired hairstyle sprang to life on the computer.  The person wearing the style is so famous that her hairstyle was photographed from all angles.  It made it much easier for Tammie to understand what Sarah wanted.  Now, Sarah has fine, uber-straight hair that won't hold a curl and slides right out of almost every hair decoration, hairpin, or barrette.  Tammie was AMAZING.  She achieved what Sarah envisioned in about 40 minutes.  I won't give the style away, but her hair was special, beautifully done, and it's going to hold up for the wedding day without a lot of fussing to keep it nice looking.  One could say that we are going to have a Divine Wedding.