1) Check out nine books on bathrooms/kitchens/remodeling
2) Speed read nine books on bathrooms/kitchens/remodeling
3) Use three pages out of nine books on bathrooms/kitchens/remodeling
4) Buy four new magazines on kitchen/bathroom design for a $35.00
5) Buy eight old magazines (circa 1995) on kitchen/bathroom design for $2.00
6) Discover the old magazines have identical ideas to new magazines
7) Eureka! $100 dual flush, small footprint, ADA toilet
8) Look at 300 kitchen sinks - buy one which includes freebies.
9) Look at 25 kitchen faucets - buy one with handle I can figure out how to use
10) Go to retail plumbing supply store - use smelling salts upon hearing price quote
11) Become a 'silver' member of an on-line building supply company due to large number of
12) Learn to control eye rolling when Drake screams, "STOP CHANGING YOUR MIND"
four times a day.
13) Convince Drake we need to remodel the second bathroom NOW
14) Look at 2000 pieces of porcelain tile
15) Buy 20 pieces of porcelain tile
16) Return 20 pieces of porcelain tile
17) Agree to postpone tile decision on 2nd bathroom until after Thanksgiving to save marriage
17) Investigate the reputations of fabricators, carpenters, plumbers, tile layers, and bathroom
18) Interview fabricators, carpenters, plumbers, tile layers, and bathroom remodelers
19) Discover a stone company which can cut slabs of marble to 1/4th inch
20) Drake does the happy dance for a 'no grout' shower. Remodeler does happy dance for sale of
marble shower
21) Look at 500 pieces of slab granite in four places, all of which are at least 35 minutes away from
Sun City.
22) Go back to four places to look at more granite. Gasoline rewards are robust this month.
23) Learn to ignore Drake when he yells, 'CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"
24) Buy kitchen granite slab in the very last place we looked for granite - HA, VINDICATED!
25) Do slab lay-out the old fashioned way - with graph paper cutouts - thanks to Drake
26) Look at 1000 bathroom vanities
27) Remember remnant granite at granite supplier - will get for bedroom vanity
28) Buy the 1001st bathroom vanity
29) Find glass cutter who comes to house to cut down mirrors
30) Find hall sconce which matches living room lamps