If we had driven another six or so hours, we could have done an Atlantic to Pacific road trip. We decided we've seen the Pacific, so we halted in Arizona. This was the best/worst trek yet. Moving out of Richmond was horrible! The movers I hired to help us get the stuff off the second floor and into the trailer didn't show up. Gosh, I wonder why? The temps were freezing, and the skies were dropping freezing rain and sleet all day long. We delayed a day in Richmond, so we weren't pulling the trailer over frozen roads. The following two days were the most difficult driving days Drake has experienced. Day one out of Richmond was constant rain and gusting winds. Day two out of Richmond was a persistent headwind. The 'best' parts were a new route and staying with friends throughout each leg of the trip.
We headed south to avoid winter and thus saw new scenery and towns. We saw two Greenville's (South Carolina and Alabama), went to NOLA and had a splendid dinner while catching up with a long time friend. Next, we hit Houston staying with an even longer time friend. We saw Hurst and more friends as well as our dentist and hairdresser coming and going to Tulsa to see family. Then, ten days in Austin for a great Christmas celebration with the newlyweds and family. See? Our life is so typical. We pulled into Sun City yesterday afternoon, so both yesterday until dark and all day today has been pulling things in and out of the trailer trying to get reorganized. What I want to know is how did we manage to fill a LARGE box with stuff to give away. Where has this stuff been hiding?
There were Christmas cards waiting for me in Sun City. I sent out a Christmas letter while 'on the road' this year. (Aren't you impressed?) The return address on my letter created an extended Christmas when I returned to Arizona and found about 20 cards waiting for me. I really got caught short this year. All my Christmas stuff was still in Arizona when I was on the East coast. For some reason, I thought I'd be back here before Christmas and be able to pick it all up. I do have a traveling Christmas box, and a stack of already bought Christmas cards ready for sending. They didn't do me any good at all sitting in my Christmas storage closet in the desert. The worst thing was all the Christmas music was trapped in the Arizona house.
I discovered some new techniques this year for keeping in touch at Christmas. First, Jacquie Lawson (my favorite electronic card maker) has a "Christmas Letter" card. Next year, I'm going to save $37.50 in stamps and contribute to the downfall of the United States Post Office. Also, one of my smart friends studded her 'Christmas Letter' with pictures! Why didn't I think of that. The Shutterfly/Picabo/ type websites will let you create your own 'card' of photos and we got several of these. I really like those picture cards especially from folks I haven't seen for awhile. And, if you wrote me a letter and put it into your card - well, I like you best. Outstanding Card this year goes to the friend that lives in Rusk - you know who you are - with runner up being from Sarah Lynn's namesake.
Drake wins best present. I saw this wonderful handbag in Amish country over Thanksgiving, and Drake ordered it for me for Christmas! It was a complete surprise. I'm now part of an extended game playing family - in the good way, like board games - not psychological drama, and we played one of the new type colonization games which after a couple of times playing left me not much of a fan. Sarah and Jay introduced another new game called "Set" which is an interesting game of perception and shape recognition. I'm not particularly good, but it was fun to play - very fast and quick. One good thing about Christmas this year is people gave us homemade treats, an entire candy basket, and the women in the family split the cooking duties. We also saw lots of movies. The winner of best movie was 'American Hustle'. I've still got a few more to see, but, alas, Phoenix, AKA the Cultural Wasteland, doesn't have a single theater that shows limited release movies.
Soon, we will be back at the bridge table. I've only forgotten everything we perfected last year since we have played ONCE since we left Arizona. The exercise club/swimming pools are also calling my name, and after the Christmas food blow-out, I'm actually ready to get back to it. We have already drawn up a list of 'stuff ' to do at the house. Keep in mind we've been here ONE DAY, and Drake was licking his pencil lead, listing and prioritizing.
Finally, we made our first Arizona deadline: WATCHING THE SUGAR BOWL 2014. I just have one thing to say: BOOMER, SOONER! Let's go, Oklahoma.