Every minute the Super Bowl is delayed increases my mother-in-law's chance to win her $20 bet at the Moose Club. She has "4" as her number. She wins if "4" is in the 'ones' position when you add the winner and loser points at the end of the game. At power outage time the score was 28 to 6; 28 + 6 = 34. The '4' would win her bet. That's one of many types of friendly betting that happens all over America during all the Super Bowl parties.
Lots of people will be playing the 'square game'. Others will have some low ball friendly wagers with specific people among their friends or family for negligible money. Some will bet the loser has to wear the winner's jersey to work on Monday. The people whom I'm baffled by are the ones who have thousands of dollars wagered. To me it doesn't matter if you can 'afford' the bet or not; that's too much money spent on something so frivolous. I guess those folks have never heard of DonorChoose.
The conspiracy theories are also coming out of the woodwork: The power outage was concocted by the New Orleans Mafia to swing the momentum to the 49er's since their bookies didn't lay off enough. Nantz and Sims are speculating that Sims plugging in his phone charger tipped the balance to just a little too much juice. Of course, everyone KNOWS Beyonce's show used too many electrons, and the Super Dome just ran out of electricity. Those of us who have LIVED in Naw 'Lins know the power outage is just typical Louisiana. Somebody didn't get his bribe money and made good on his threat to pull the plug on the extension cord. You could also make the case Weight Watchers engineered the power outage since most folks probably ate and drank another 800 calories during the 35 minute outage.
Ah, good, power is back on. Now we can analyze the real interest of the Super Bowl: Which commercials were the best. My favorites: The Dorritos commercials - specifically, the 'goat' and the 'play princess' ones. Both of those cracked me up. I also liked the 'wishes' commercial with the Big Bang girl in purple because of the computer animation and the family dynamics. I thought the Calvin Klein commercial - the guy in the underwear - and the GoDaddy commercials were vulgar and tacky. The Voodoo commercials were very NOLA. The Pepsi and Coke commercials were forgettable. Most heart warming goes to the Clydesdale horse, no contest on that one. I thought the Paul Harvey/Dodge commercial was a bit too saccharin for my taste. Oh, I also liked the milk commercial the Rock did - again for the computer animation. The pistachio commercial was fun with the gangnam dancers, but it really only had a beat.
Hmmmm. Now the 49er's are balls of fire, and the Ravens look like jello. Yep. The commentators are starting sentences, "Since the lights went out in the Super Dome..." If the Niners come back and win, there's going to be lots of meaningless speculation about momentum, and 'what happened'. Still got a whole quarter to play. Bunches and bunches can occur. I like that it's turning into a weird game, though. Perhaps I would be less mellow about this game if MY team was playing. For the true fans of these two teams, this game must be agony. One more quarter to go...and some more commercials like the adult binky (electronic cigarette) to enjoy.