In the past twelve months, we've spent seven of them in Colorado. We lived two months last fall on the 'back range' in Fraser, a tiny alpine town of 1168 people. This year we spent five months on the 'front range' in Colorado Springs, a big town of 600,000. Every state I've been to, and I think it's up to 46 now, has some element of natural beauty. However, Colorado got more than its share when gorgeous was passed out.
I decided rather than write, write, write about my impressions of living here, I'd let my pictures do the talking.
We leave Colorado Springs next week, and we're going on vacation. (OK, laugh, I know you want to.) We're visiting the Black Canyon at Gunnison National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, the Grand Staircase Escalante, and Zion National Park. We've even rented a jeep at the Grand Staircase since the roads are mostly dirt or just 'tracks'. Then, we will be in Prescott, Arizona for the month of October.
This is one place I'm sad to leave. I'd like to stay and see the aspens turn yellow and the snow fall.