Monday, September 8, 2014

Gratitude Challenge: Day One

I have this friend...   Ok, Ok, I have lots of friends, but this one challenged me to post three things I'm grateful about for five consecutive days on FACEBOOK.  This friend, let's call her JG doesn't realize I only use Facebook as a stalker or perhaps more accurately as a swooper.  I've never posted anything on FB for five consecutive days.   I like to swoop into FB about once every two weeks. I can see all the pix, ignore what everybody had for lunch 8 days ago, skate past the inspirational messages, and slide past the kitten/puppy/kid/ Youtube postings.  Occasionally, I post my status when I'm bored - like when I'm driving across the Mojave.  (Yes, you can actually get internet electrons in the middle of the desert - but only on the main highway.)

My gratefuls are going to be easy because I'm always working to put myself in a positive frame of mind.  The real challenge is to make them fun and interesting.  In that vein, I will not post being grateful for my husband, my daughter, my health.....blah, blah, blah.  Let's just accept those as givens.

That caveat issued, here's Day One:

(1)  Very grateful I only have to post for five days.  FB is truly the EVIL EMPIRE.

(2)  Seriously grateful I can still walk......there was a time...

(3)  Frivolously grateful OU Football has started - BOOMER, SOONER!  (Jacki's magic sox are working, people!)

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