Friday, July 13, 2012

For the Girls, it's 1972

I've joked and said that living in Logan is being time-traveled back to 1962.  Well, I've discovered the young women I know from class are poised to leap into the last quarter of the 20th century.  It's slowly dawning on these women who have grown up with the culturally imposed expectation that their purpose is to become loving wives and dynamite mothers, that perhaps, just perhaps, there might be other life paths.

They are split about even in my class - we have four who are already married or about to get married, and some even have either a child or children which they popped out before they were 25.  Now, they are struggling to get an education, work crappy jobs, be a mom, and try to make a marriage work while struggling with financial hardship.   It just seems like the priorities for women who live here are all messed up. 

Then, there are the women in class who are struggling to have an identity different than what is expected.  They are in their 20's and not married even though they freely admit their families are exerting pressure for them to do so.  Some have 'left the church' - which means they are non-practicing Mormons.  (Had THAT discussion today - I think that once a Mormon, always a Mormon - just what gradient - devout, practicing, non-practicing - kind of like you are always Catholic or Jewish or Evangelical whether you participate or not because of your upbringing.)  Oh, sorry, off the topic. 

Anyway, I think we could use some good consciousness raising here:  I'll do my part.  Here's a website in which women talk about the books that were turning points in their lives:

Pick up some of these books.  They will open some windows, and maybe even some doors.

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