Saturday, October 29, 2022

Moving, Moving, Moving - Goodbye, Brooklyn. Hello, Sun City

 The title says it all.  We are leaving Brooklyn after three years and returning to Sun City, AZ.  Considering all the vagabonding moves and all our personal moves (we've owned eight houses!), you'd think a move would be SOP.  Nope.  Not when you're 72.  I have so much less energy that it was Godsent, actually Drake sent, when he told me our 'stuff' from Brooklyn would not be arriving for two weeks.  Two weeks of sort of rest was terrific.  I've been to the doctor, the dentist, the hairdresser, physical therapist, and reinstated my weekly massage.  

When the UBox finally arrived, suddenly a house, which is completely full, had to absorb another household - our Brooklyn stuff.  What a struggle!  What to keep.  What to let go of.  It reminded me of when we downsized our 4 bedroom Hurst, Tx house into a 10'x20' storage unit.  Ten years ago, though, I had much more energy, and I didn't hurt as badly.  [I'm riddled with arthritis (osteo) in my spine and most of my other major joints.  None of that has improved with age.  Fine wine I am not.]

It was sort of exciting to see the art we bought and figuring out how to hang or display it all.  I've unpacked so many tubs - as I've done a zillion times.  I found things in Sun City I didn't even know I had.  I knew clothes were going to be a problem since I now have a 'winter' wardrobe.  That means a huge selection of coats to combat any climate.  My 1965 house has a coat closet which is about  3 feet square. It's already full of Sun City coats - well, jackets, really.  

Drake came up with an ingenious solution:  Hang all the coats and winter clothes in our trusty trailer which is housed in the Sun City lot - $100 per year.  I asked Drake if there was room for a seconds bars, and he was POSITIVE there wasn't.  He did agree to fairly assess the situation.  He came home with the momentous news that HE WAS WRONG, and there was plenty of room for a second bar.  Anyway, using the trailer for a storage unit has eased things somewhat.

After all of this, I've come to the conclusion I have too much stuff.  Now I'll need to meditate and ponder until I make up my mind to sweep through this house ruthlessly and get rid of lots of stuff.  It's so wrenching because I attach memories of people to my 'stuff'.  We needed a second bar because I have memory clothes.  Yes, Drake rolled his eyes.  I acidly pointed out to him that one of the items was his mother's wedding dress.  We have two girls in the family now, and who knows?  One of them might want the antique dress. 

The worst part of the move is searching for where you put something you just saw two days ago.  I have this weird allergy/auto immune response, and my tongue swells - so far in just one half of my mouth.  Woke up at 6:13am  this morning with a swollen tongue.  Then, I was searching for Benedryl.  I know I'd seen it; now, where WAS IT.  Finally found my emergency stash, took some and in a few hours I was fine. Ten hours later, I finally located the plastic box with the medical supplies.  What a doofus! 

So far, I've looked for pens that really write - AZ tends to dry out ink.  Filtered out my Christmas socks and shoeboxed them.  Trailer or house?  I don't know.  I've make a gazillion little decisions about which kitchen utensils to keep, what make up to purge, how to organize what I'm keeping.  I only have about four solid hours of working time each day, and then it's time for a nap..... Yes, I can't work from 8am until 8pm like I used to.  That's 72 for you.  However, our mantra is:  "It will all get done over time; why worry?

We're basically down to the fun part now.  First, we are going to do some furniture moving.  Let's shake things up a little.  Next, we will be hanging exciting new pieces and rearranging older ones, and we will be one step closer to house beautiful - well, house beautiful J/D style.  .In the middle of the unpacking came 'birthday week'.  [For those who don't know - my birthday is 9/25/50; Sarah's is 9/26/85/50), and Drake's is 9/29/50.]

Amazingly, birthday week went well.  Sarah took the whole day of her birthday just for herself.  (Believe me when I tell you that time NEVER happens with a marriage, a mother-in-law, two kids under the age of five, and a high powered job in Manhattan.)  I was thrilled for her.  I had a quiet day with flowers, unpacking, and a steak/seafood dinner out in the new swank restaurant at the Desert Diamond Casino.  Drake had a dynamite day:  Cholesterol breakfast (corned beef hash, eggs, potatoes, toast, OJ) followed by three hours of gambling (playing blackjack and winning $225.  Even I broke even.)  Next, we got decadent ice cream shakes at our locally owned ice cream store that makes the ice cream in house.  We followed with our 'nap time'.  Then, we went to the first movie in three years.  I have to confess I actually fell asleep in the movie theater during the movie.  That's a first for me.  When I started to snore, Drake gave me the elbow.  I was mortified!  

Finally, having ruined our appetites with the breakfast/shakes, we settled for Subway sandwiches, instead of Mexican food, and watched the terrible Texas Rangers.  I'm pretty sure this meal was 'practice' for Spring Training.  All in all great birthdays.  Kudos to everyone who sent me a card.  Plus, some people sent me gifts. [I like gifts.] Thanks!

Still arranging and re-arranging.  That will go on quite a while, but why worry?  Eventually, it will get done.  Welcome, 72.  It's going to be a great year.

1 comment:

Joyce Baldwin said...

Happy belated birthday wishes to you All. 🥳🥳. I sure know what you mean about being older. Being 6 or 7 years older, by myself and trying to recover from a major hurricane (Ian). I am in Naples, FL, hit by the water surge. I can really relate to your story. Just had a nice break ready your blog. I Always enjoy your blogs!