Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Harrowing Week!

Hello, readers.  Boy, do I have a NEWSFLASH!  One Sunday in San Diego, next Saturday in Sun City having back surgery.  Here's how it all came about:  Suddenly, on Monday, September 18, I got up to go to the bathroom about 2 am, and my left leg collapsed underneath me.  I had been having increasing pain in NEW PLACES in my left leg and groin building all day Monday.  On Tuesday, September 19th, we went to an Urgent Care Center and I got a steroid shot which seemed to calm down some of the pain, and make the leg stronger.  However, all was not right, and it was obvious we couldn't wait until November 1st to have the previously scheduled back surgery.  I managed to get the back surgery moved up to October 9th, and with that scheduled, we knew we should just get back to Sun City as my condition seemed to be mysteriously deteriorating.

We packed up and we left San Diego on Tuesday, September 26th, and that 400 mile ride was quite difficult for me.  Wednesday, September 27th, I was at my primary care doctor having the pre-surgery appointment.  Then, Thursday, September 28th, everything went to hell in the proverbial hand basket.  My pain just kept increasing throughout the day and into the night.  By the early morning hours of Friday, September 29th, I was in agony, and the pain I was experiencing in my groin and back was greater than any labor pain I've ever had.  I dressed and undressed three times trying to decide whether or not to go to the emergency room.  Finally, good sense prevailed, and I arrived at the Sun City hospital emergency room at 6am.

Within a few hours, I was admitted to 'observation', or as I like to call it 'purgatory'.  You are on a floor of the hospital in a room with a bed, but you are not technically admitted.  The best thing about being in purgatory is I was handed off by the emergency room doc to the hospitalist (hospital doctor).  Why did this happen?  Because even morphine in an iv drip was not touching the pain.  If you can't take pills to treat a problem, they don't send you home.  It took the hospitalist to really take hold of the pain problem.  To manage the pain, he put me on something 10 times stronger than morphine delivered by iv in 3 hour increments.  He also apparently laid the law down to my surgeon and explained he should come to the hospital and schedule an emergency surgery for Saturday, September 30th.

And, that's what happened:  First, on Friday, I had a series of MRI's - I think five in total spaced out throughout the day with the last one happening at 8 pm on Friday evening.  It turns out that Back Problem #1 was joined by Back Problem #2 in San Diego and #2 was causing the big pain increase.  The surgeon corrected both problems with micro-surgery - meaning he used a tube in conjunction with a scope to correct both problems individually instead of laying open my back.  I have two one inch incisions, which are sore, but I went home Sunday (today, October 1st) and expect to recover in 6-8 weeks.  (Probably a little longer for me since I'm a slow healer.)

Here's the GOOD NEWS:  As of Sunday evening, I have NO nerve pain running down my leg, or in my groin.  The only back pain I'm feeling are the two incision areas, and those feel totally different than the nerve pain I was previously having in my back.  The BAD NEWS (especially for Drake) is I can't bend over or twist my body or lift anything over 2 pounds for 6-8 weeks.)  I'm using a walker to help me remind myself to turn my body not twist at the waist - harder than you think.  The NOT SURPRISING NEWS is I found the walker at Goodwill for $10 and Drake went to pick it up.  I left the hospital today with this walker

So.....  In closing:  If you live away from Arizona, and you are religious, continued prayers for healing, please.  If you live away and are not religious, then think good thoughts for my healing  If you have been a letter recipient currently, or in the past, I'm calling in your marker and would appreciate some mail.  If you live in or around Phoenix, I'm not going to be shy at calling you up and saying something to the effect:  And, what day in the next two weeks will you be bringing us a meal?  I'm  not cooking AT ALL until October 15th at the earliest, and probably not consistently for the next six weeks after that.  See, there's ALWAYS A SILVER LINING if you just look for it.         


Joyce Baldwin said...

I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune. I'm glad you are in a better place now. Prayers, hugs and good thoughts coming your way. Feel better!!! Hope it's a speedy recovery and you are back to your exciting, adventurous self real soon. Be patient and good to yourself. Blessings to Drake, also. Care takers are important, also. 💕

Cheri McGovern said...

Wow! Leave it to you to never leave Drake bored! So glad that doctor had the sense to get that surgery pushed up and that you are feeling better!

I'd deliver a meal to you if you were closer! Maybe I could send a pizza your way...let me know if that's appealing and your address and I'll have it delivered! Lol...

I know Drake will be taking good care of you, so you are in good hands...prayers being lifted up for a faster than normal healing time for you! It's hard to keep a good lady down...for sure!

Love ya!

angela said...

Oh, my goodness what interesting adverntures you have. I'm sorry you have been in so much pain I"m glad the doctor got you in quicker. WE, Noel, has dealt with back pain,sciatic etc and has had multiple surgeries. Two small incisions doesn't actually sound too bad. Yes, be very careful and do what the doctor says. Love your silver lining story. Idaho prayers will be sent in your behalf. Angela said...

Jan, so glad you had a good ending to this horrible story. Just now reading some e-mails as Tom and I have both had health issues and have had a lot going on. Take care. You are in my prayers.