Monday, August 21, 2017

See the Eclipse

If you missed the eclipse, then here are the highlights from our five hour C-SPAN watching of the entire event starting in Oregon and proceeding all the way to South Carolina.  Here are some of my takes:

(1)  The next total eclipse viewable across a major swath of the USA is April 8, 2024.  The next one proceeds diagonally up through Texas and exits in Maine.

(2)  The word most used by ordinary people to describe the eclipse was 'amazing'.

(3)  Lots of people gathered together in communities all across the US in church parking lots and stadiums.

(4)  Many schools across the nation which had already started had a 'release day' for the eclipse

(5)  You could see cool pictures in Times Square - the big TV was broadcasting CSPAN

(6)  C-SPAN broadcasted the NASA channel for more than five hours

(7)  The moon is not circular - it's a polyhedron (many sided) due to being blasted over
the eons by astroids

(8)  Science awareness across the USA was boosted.

(9)  Lots of people traveled to the pathway of the total eclipse

(10)  I liked the comment:  'it was a wonder of God'

(11)  In the path of totality there was a 10 degree temperature drop - which startled people as did the total darkness.

(12)  A total eclipse helped people understand how dependent we are on the sun

(13)  The GOES satellite showed a photo of the 'dark' sweeping across the USA

(14)  Seeing the corona and the earth's magnetic shield was AMAZING!

Finally, I will definitely be in the path of totality in 2024



Unknown said...

Me too God willing!,

Linda Beard said...

Here's another Linda commenting - Jan, thanks for sharing the pictures. I had seen some but not like all these. God is awesome; don't you just wish everyone knew Him?