Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Looking Over the Blogs.......Critiquing the Prof

I've just been browsing all the blogs of my USU classmates.  I'm interested in almost all of them.  OK, that's just being kind - I'm mildly interested in most, really interested in a couple and just minimally interested in some.  No, I'm not going to say which ones; these kiddos might read this, and I'm not going to be so cruel as to say - "Oh, give me a break; this is soooooooo boring.".

I had someone ask me the other day how different was it to be the student instead of the teacher.  I've been pondering that.......  Here's what I have come up with:

Decided to add one of my 'school' pix just for fun
1)  Less pressure.  I'm not responsible for 90 minutes of being 'on' 

2)  Tendency to mentally critique the teaching of the professor - I spent so many hours mentoring new teachers, sitting in on other teachers' classes that during class I'm carrying on an interior dialogue simultaneously with being a student.  There's a tape inside my head going:   "Don't do that!"  "Yikes!!"  "Good analogy"  "Come on, say it a different way." and stuff like that. 

3)  Find myself wanting to help him out when he asks a question and there's dead silence

4)  Restate what he's trying to get across in a different way when I see that several of the kids just don't get what he's trying to teach.   (I'm sure he doesn't appreciate that.)

5)  Find myself wanting to be the 'devil' student - haven't done it yet, just daydream about it

6)  I realize I have responsibilities as a student, and I try to fulfill them because it makes it easier on the prof - who I identify more with during class than the other students

7)  Envious as hell.  The Prof doesn't have to convince students to a) quit fucking around, b) listen, c) participate

8)  Difficult to not have the POWER in the class

9)  Wondering if I missed something by not teaching at the college level.

10)  So grateful every morning that I'm actually learning something NEW

1 comment:

Travis and mikala said...

I know which one you hate for sure. But it's all good, I know this awesome lifestyle isn't for everyone.